Wednesday, 2 November 2016

How Are E-Cigs Better Than Traditional Cigarettes?

E- Cigarettes have gained sudden popularity among the people as it has almost replaced the traditional cigarettes in some countries. You can effectively elevate your vaping experience with a wide selection of e- liquids. Vaping and other smoke free products are advantageous to lower the risk of health. With the increasing demand, now several brands are offering the e-cigs online. One can explore the online vape shop to grab the best electronic cigarette.

These cigs work by heating the atomizer which in turn heats the e-liquid that is finally converted into smoke. The device is available in the form of a pen and you can easily switch it on and start vaping. The electronic cigarettes also provide you an opportunity to vape your desired flavours apart from tobacco.

Helps to reduce exposure to tobacco

You all know that traditional cigarettes are harmful for the environment including both non smokers and smokers. Vaping is quite effective to lower the effects of tobacco and produces smoke that is not harmful for humans and environment. The traditional cigarette contains thousands of toxic, chemicals and carcinogenic compounds that can be proven to be fatal.

Variety of vaping liquids

There are wide varieties of flavours that tend to satisfy the taste of individual. The vapours are scentless while flavour of vaping liquid is not. People can select their vaping liquid according to their favourite cigarette. People who like traditional or menthol cigarettes can choose tobacco or menthol vaping flavours respectively.

Vaporizers are efficient to eliminate smell

During Smoking people often face with smell of tobacco all around them including smell on skin and clothes for a long time. The scentless liquid does not smell in the environment while people don’t have to wash their hands to get rid of that smell. These vaporizing liquids are colourless while avoid staining of finger and teeth of the smoker.